2010年7月20日 星期二

Aussie slang
By Andrea Riddell

© Leetorrens Dreamstime.com
Australians have a colourful way with language and are notorious for abbreviating words and creating new phrases and expressions. Many of them are ingrained in Australia’s history and have become a part of the everyday language. Here are a few you may hear when you make your way Down Under.
Common words

Agro (Ag-grow): the state of being angry or aggressive.
Ambo (Am-boh): is an abbreviation of ambulance. Can also refer to an ambulance driver paramedic.
Arvo (Arh-vo): abbreviated form of ‘afternoon’.
Barbie (Bar-bee): abbreviation of ‘barbecue’, which refers to the apparatus used to cook outside. It is a popular way to get together with friends, especially in the warmer weather.
Battler (Battel-a): refers to someone who constantly works hard but always struggles to get by.
Beaut, beauty (Be-ute, be-ute-ee): is used to describe when something is very good, desirable or agreeable.
Bee's knees (Beez neez): is used to describe when something is the absolute best of its kind.
Big smoke, the: refers to the major cities of Australia, i.e. Sydney and Melbourne.
Bloke (Bl-oak): refers to an Australian male.
Blowie (Blow-y): is an abbreviation of blowfly and refers to a very large and noisy fly.Boot: when used in reference to a car, this means the trunk of the car.
Bottle-o: liquor shop, a shop that sells alcohol.
Blue (Bl-ew): to have a fight or an argument with someone.Buckley's,
Buckley's chance(Buck-lees): to have no luck or no chance of reaching a particular outcome.Budgie smugglers: men’s swimmers, or bathing costume. Usually tight and revealing.
BYO (Be-Why-Oh): stands for Bring Your Own. It usually refers to being able to bring your own alcohol to a restaurant, but can also be used to indicate that you are required to bring your own in any situation – for example, bring your own meat to a barbie.
Chook (Choo-k): refers to a chicken.
Chrissie (Chris-see): is an abbreviation for Christmas.
Cods wallop! (kods woll-op): an exclamation that signifies that one does not believe what has just been said.
Cozzie (Cos-zee): a swimming costume or bathing suit.
Cuppa (Cup-pa): this is an abbreviation for ‘a cup of tea or coffee’.
Dag: bits of manure that stick to the wool around a sheep’s bottom. It is used as a term of endearment to describe someone who is generally nerdy, goofy and not trendy.
Daks: man’s trousers or shorts.
Dingbat: used to describe a silly, foolish or childish person.
Dog’s breakfast: is used to describe when something is a mess, or a complete failure.
Duffer (Duff-a): is used to describe someone who is silly.
Dunny (Dun-nee): refers to a toilet or lavatory.Elbow grease: used to describe exerting effort or putting in a lot of energy to get something done.
Esky (Ess-kee): a portable container that is used to carry and keep food and drink cool. It is short for its proper name Eskimo box.
Exy (Ex-see): an abbreviation of expensive.
Footy (Foot-tee): is an abbreviation of ‘football’ or rugby.
G’day (Gidday): a shortened form of ‘good day’, this is a greeting that typically means ‘hello’. It is used informally.
Grog: alcohol.
Grouse (G-rouse): is used to indicate that something is very good or excellent.
Jiffy (Jiff-ee): indicating a very short amount of time.
Kafuffle (Ka-fuffel) or kerfuffle: confusion or commotion.
Larrikin (Larry-kin): is someone who is always having fun, telling jokes and playing pranks.
Mate (M-ait): a mate is another word for ‘friend’. However in Australia, strangers can address each other as mate.
Porky (Poor-kee): is an abbreviation of ‘pork pie’. It is another word for a lie or an untruth.
Rellie or relo (Rell-ee, rell-oh): an abbreviation for relative, meaning someone who is blood related or considered a part of the family.
Shout (Sh-out): to buy a round of drinks at the pub for all the people in your group. Each person will take turns in ‘shouting’ the others.
Sickie (Sik-ee): taking a day off work, by feigning sickness. Can also be taken for genuine reasons.
Smoko (Smo-ko): refers to a 5–10 minute break, traditionally taken to smoke a cigarette. Can also be used to refer to a tea break.
Snag: a sausage.
Spewin' (Spu-win): very angry or fuming over something.
Strewth! (Stru-th): is an exclamation, can be used as a mild oath to express surprise, shock or to place emphasis.
Squizz (Skwizz): to have a look.S
wag: bedding that rolls up and is popular for camping.
Ta (tah): an informal way of saying thank you.
Thongs: rubber sandals.
Walkabout (Walk-about): to travel around the Outback for an indefinite amount of time. Can also be used to describe something as lost or gone.
Yakka (yak-ka): hard, manual labour.

Common phrases
She’ll be apples, she’ll be right: everything will be okay, or everything will work itself out in the end.
Have a burl, have a crack, have a go: to try something that appears difficult or foreign.
Mad as a cut snake: very angry.
Kangaroos loose in the top paddock: coming across as crazy or lacking intelligence.
Mate's rate, mate's discount: a discount on a product or a service reserved for a ‘friend’.
Happy as a pig in mud: To be very happy.
Call it a day: to stop working and finish up for the day.
Call it quits: to finish something on a permanent basis, regardless of whether it is finished or not.
Chew the fat: to have a long and enjoyable conversation with someone.
Chuck a U ey: to make a U-turn, usually in a car.
Chuck a wobbly, chuck a spaz: to throw a fit or a temper, an act of anger.
I'm easy: not having a preference of options, not fussed or worried.
In the bag: to be sure that the outcome will be in your favour.

2010年7月4日 星期日

幸運地在澳洲當了八個多月的咖啡調製師(barista), , 因為當初未曾學過所以一直在工作上都有很多疑問, 經過這些月來的工作經驗和網上資料搜集得到了少許心得, 所以希望可以在這裡分享一下, 希望能幫忙一些有心人^^

Cappuccino:濃縮咖啡加熱牛奶(froth milk),灑上巧克力粉
Latte:濃縮咖啡加上熱牛奶(steamed milk),形成表面只有10mm的奶泡(用透明玻璃杯裝)
Flat White:濃縮咖啡加上熱牛奶(steamed milk),形成表面只有2mm的奶泡
Mocha:如cappuccino, 只是開始時加入巧克力醬(份量是Hot Chocolate的一半)最後同樣灑上巧克力粉
分為Traditional Macchiato, short Macchiato, long Macchito, (網上還有latte macchiato)***sorry我未敢肯定我家cafe的是最正確,所以未列出來, 希望各位指教~~~~
Long Black/Lungo/(black coffee):濃縮咖啡加上半杯熱開水(先放熱水才在其之上濾出咖啡,這樣出來的咖啡看來較專業和好看)有時候客人會要求用少量cold milk 或cold water 去top up,即加上去令咖啡冷些和打它加滿一些..
Espresso / Short Black :濃縮咖啡(one shot only)
Hot Chocolate:巧克力醬加熱牛奶(froth milk),再灑上巧克力粉(通常會問客人要不要mashmallows棉花糖,如需要會放於碟上
Vienna: Long Black topped with fresh cream
Chai Latte: Chai powder加一點熱水溶化後加上如latte一樣的steam milk(這飲品並無咖啡成份)可再灑上cinnamon powder
Affogato: vanilla 冰淇淋加上濃縮咖啡

要打出一杯咖啡不難,但要做得好就需要有些技巧了~其本的做法不多講了, 以下的一些tips幫到大家^^

疑問1.要用單咖啡頭(portafilter)還是雙來打出一shot espresso ?
不過,我建議你用雙的來取一shot。雖然單和雙的味道是一樣的,但從單頭出來的米黃色咖啡油將始終少於出自雙頭的。所以只要把杯放於其中一邊下面載著流出來的濃縮咖啡, 另一邊就讓它流走即可。
p.s.如果組件的冷了,就按一個空白shot(blank shot)(通常為 1至2盎司)將其加熱到正確的溫度才開始。因為溫度直接影響咖啡品質的^^
疑問2. 打磨(grinding)
份量應該是6-7g- single shot, 12-14g – double shot, 近年有些barista喜歡做出8-10g和16-20g,無論是哪一個劑量,一致性是關鍵。
先打磨出需要的份量到portafilter, 我較習慣磨出多出一點的咖啡粉,再用手指左右左右的掃平咖啡粉,先用tamper垂直輕壓下(約三磅的力)再用手輕拍portafilter的邊(也可以用tamper的頂部, 但不可用底部!!), 讓多餘的咖啡粉跌回籃內,再用tamper重新垂直壓多一次,這次力量較重(約十磅的力), 最後要快速掃走portafilter邊緣多餘的咖啡粉就可以放上咖啡機開始提煉。(哈哈,我是用一個比較笨的方法,把手壓在磅重的磅上來試驗)
較快的可以用手指很快地一掃,把多餘的掃走再壓。或者可以輕輕用拇指以下的的手掌部份(較暖),並旋轉式在portafilter上把咖啡粉弄均勻, 這種技術被稱為 Stockfleths移動 (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3705485316541852747), 但我覺得這太慢了。我也在一些網頁看到, 如在咖啡廰工作,用手接觸咖啡粉是unprofessional, 所以我也改正過來.....大家自行決定吧。
另外, 打摩機的咖啡粉應該是只磨出需要的份量, 有時一些cafe會預磨較多的留在下一次,因為相對不用花時間等待, 但這遺反了essposso 的原則---『應該是新鮮的』。這當然要看老板了,若他是堅持要預磨多些就隨他吧,反正他才是老板~~8-
疑問3. : 錯誤的extration
過少抽取 (under-extraction)當放得太少的咖啡粉時,出來的濃縮咖啡會較弱,難飲。跡象是流出太快和大量而且crema的顏色會較淡, 味道酸和薄
過度抽取 (over-extraction)當太多的咖啡粉,會造成太濃和苦澀的咖啡。可觀察的跡象是出來的濃縮咖啡分量很少,較深色, 。一個深啡的“光環”在邊緣的杯子是另一個常見因over-extraction出現的現象,這也可能是因為水太熱造成。
疑問4. 打牛奶的技巧
適當的熱牛奶咖啡和拿鐵咖啡需要microfoam - 幾乎液體的泡沫,有光澤,味道甜美。
最容易的方法是用耳朵, [COLOR="red"]聽[/COLOR]打奶時的聲音, 可以把打奶瓶(pitcher)分3個區。在最近表面的是第一區域,氣咀若打在此區, 因為空氣被吸進牛奶內而發出細細撕扯的聲音。在第二中間地帶,很少有噪音。在第三區底部附近,牛奶會發出嚨嚨的吼叫。
例如 cappucino,需要的是froth milk,較多泡,所以就應全程打在第一區
例如 latte, 需要的是steamed milk,只需10mm的泡,那就要先打在第一區,待感到牛奶微溫便提升pitcher使氣咀進入第二區, 這時應該變得安靜了。
p.s. 要打出來好的泡,注意把氣咀放在pitcher內的靠邊,是左或右隨心便可了,令牛奶加溫時形漩渦,使溫度和泡沫得以平均。
疑問5.: 牛奶應該打至怎樣的溫度?
打牛奶的適當溫度應是攝氏 70度(華氏 160度), 這是牛奶的糖份剛好還未烤焦掉, 不會燙傷客人又夠熱的溫度。
如果有打咖啡的溫度計, 會發現上要會有一部份著了色, 當熱牛奶的時候, 溫度計針剛進入此範圍時會要立即關掉蒸氣, 因為溫度還會再繼續上升一點點, 那你會發現完成時剛剛好牛奶是七十度, 這是咖啡最合適飲用的溫度,咖啡不會因為牛奶不夠熱而過重牛奶味, 又不會因太熱而失去了應有的甜味。
如果無溫度計使用時,唯有依靠自己雙手的感覺了。方法是一隻手拿著打奶瓶,另一隻手輕扶著並且感覺著牛奶加溫時溫度的變化, 當開始感覺輕燙時是五十度, 直到感覺到燙得無法觸摸時,熱得想大叫的一刻, 便是七十度了, 此時便要立即關掉蒸氣了~!(別把自己燙傷啊!)
例如: latte,打好的牛奶先待10至20秒
例如: cappucino, 則要先待約30秒
之後,扶著pitcher垂直輕拍在桌上打表面較大的氣泡打破,再順/逆時針方向在桌面水平地搖動令牛奶和泡混和,這時便可以倒進咖啡了,記著,牛奶盡量要在咖啡提煉出來後10秒內倒進去, 否則咖啡味道亦會變濃變苦-)
這些只是一點心得, 可以幫大家較易獲得進步, 其實技巧還有很多的, 例如一些手勢和latte art等, 需要大家努力從經驗中摸索出來, 我其實也是在學習當中, 多些在網絡上找資料,看片,甚至厚顏地問同事,都會有很大幫助的^^ 希望大家從工作中找到樂趣:-D

[COLOR="red"]COFFEE MENU : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn0o393gV8s, 超清楚^^[/COLOR]

2010年5月29日 星期六


因為護照和金錢的因素,我和老公最終決定放棄已經訂好了的回港機票, 當完成第一年的WHV之後便由墨爾本直飛回柏斯--我倆來澳的第一站~
記得第一次來到, 對這裡沒什麼特別大的感覺,只是覺得這裡每個角落都佈滿了背包客,這個城市很靜, 我跟CHOLE和CASS拖著很多行李狼狽地走到我們第一間入住的背包客棧, 之後到處找工,那情景還是記憶猶新......事隔一年, 她們都回港了,這年來我倆買車賣車又買車...最後開著車子遊遍了柏斯到南澳再到東澳的每一處, 再回來這地, 我才真正發現柏斯的「美」- 生活環境跟工作環境的美。或許今年經濟好了, 市面都也不如去年的恐怖, 少了很多背包客了..

我知道只要我安排好自己的很行了, 我的另一半用不著我的操心。所以在悉尼的時候我已經不停地找在柏斯的工作。幸運地因為在悉尼當過咖啡調製員(BARISTA)的工作經驗, 放了很多很多RESUME出去後,終於在回到柏斯前便找到了一份當BARISTA的工作, 這令我對將回來的生活安心了些, 因為之前的生活和旅遊, 買車之後我們共同只剩下一百大元澳幣!!! (因為悉尼的人工和生活指數不成正比, 我們很難儲到很多錢...)

我的工作是在柏斯市中心的寫字樓地下的一所CAFE,我們是家庭式經營, 好像聯合國一樣, 男老闆和女兒是本地澳洲人,女老闆是英國人,另外有一個KIWI(新西蘭人),一個非洲黑人,最後是我--唯一的華人。我們主要的顧客都是白領(p.s.:看著他們令我懷念起在香港當寫字樓工的日子..),基本上是一直忙至下班,高峰是午飯時間, 忙到嘔, 不過相對覺得時間過得很快呢~每週穩定的上五天, 每週基本都可以達三十小時,更幸運的是可以做到我喜歡的工作!!雖然很多時要迫著一次過打三四杯不同的咖啡,影響到品質,但當沖到一杯很好的咖啡時是很有滿足感的~因為我覺得打咖啡是一門很專業的學問,不是可以亂來的..~ (btw, 我還是比較喜歡在悉尼當barista的日子,超好的香港老闆,疼我又肯指導我的senior,還有一班很好很好的同事!!很多練習打咖啡的機會,那份工作是我whv做得最開心的工!!!=>但不要看工資, haha)

早上的工作穩定了, 晚上決定回去之前的唐人餐館當侍應。那裡超忙啦,老闆娘又是瘋的,但唯一好就是近屋企, THIS IS THE ONLY REASON I WAS BACK.所以當體力許可的時候, 我會返足五日(我和老公都定了星期四晚和星期日都不會上班!因為每逢星期四柏斯的很多店都會開得比平日夜,方便人們購物--也變成了我們的拍拖日=p) 。

至於老公,他在我找到工作之後瘋狂地發resume找工,很快便找到了一份工廠工(十個讚呀!!!!!!!), 夜晚再到之前做過的唐人餐館博殺~~~
這樣的schedule希望可以維持至少半年,讓我們兩口子儲點錢回港, 實現另一個共同的夢吧^^