2009年3月19日 星期四

來到柏斯正式可說是一天半吧, 但好像來了幾天似的, 或許時有點忙吧~!
十七號晚上才到逹, 很開心有三位朋友來接我, 當晚便到了CASS的表弟SHARE HOUSE訓廳~是最舒服的一晚了。因為SAMMY送了張OPTUS的電話卡給我, 所以當晚便立即上網開卡了~第二天八點幾便起床了, 馬上ONLINE申請TFN, 比想像中簡單!!!之後到COMMONWEALTH開戶口,只要多過二千元便可免AUD4-6的手續費了~GOOD!! 之很到入境貼VISA LABEL, 很好運只用了五分鐘!! 那我必要做的事已完成了!!!

2009年3月16日 星期一

Singapore - Flight transit

For flight transit, I am now in Singapore airport. only brought HKD300 to here and the small bottle water in the airport cost me around HKD 25 >.<" . Crazy. May be little bit nervious making me a bit headate. Not well packed of the showing lotion giving my backpack ....... very good smell and wetty. Poor me!!! I have to clean up in the toilet..... Really sleepy afterwards, I went to Mcdonald's for my late dinner... Wah~~ also expensive lei~~ Immediately give my honey a IDD call. Missing you sooooooooo much!!!! But I will treasure this 2 weeks as I could heartly feel how much I do need you...... as well as miss you.... Luckly, McDonald provided the free 10-minute internet service.
For safety, I finally decide to use around HKD200 to have 4 hours napping service!!!
Only around HKD20 left!!!! I have brought some cakes and they will be my breakfast lei :P . I planned to travel on MTR and have a quick look of Singapore.
I have no headate now~~HAHA~~ so no worries!! After watching "your" 2nd letter, it did make me cry ga :P but also gave me a good mood on today. Here is cloudy but I am much enjoyable now. Honey, You could also give me energy and power lei. Really looking forward to seeing you in Aus!!!

2009年3月12日 星期四


這裡便是我第一站的hostal呢~我只安排了頭三天, 這幾天需要申請所需的文件, 戶口等~可能會到一些教會學學英文吧~http://home.iprimus.com.au/docsimple/Perth/eikaiwa.html~之後或許會先到hostfamily幫他們工作賺食宿, 再等男朋友仔於四月頭到逹再正式遊覽PERTH數天吧~現在開始找找COLES的工作, 畢竟它是我其中一間比較有感情的舊顧主, 而且又是全澳洲最大的顧主, 希望它會幫到我吧~!! GOD BLESS ME!!!

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