2009年3月16日 星期一

Singapore - Flight transit

For flight transit, I am now in Singapore airport. only brought HKD300 to here and the small bottle water in the airport cost me around HKD 25 >.<" . Crazy. May be little bit nervious making me a bit headate. Not well packed of the showing lotion giving my backpack ....... very good smell and wetty. Poor me!!! I have to clean up in the toilet..... Really sleepy afterwards, I went to Mcdonald's for my late dinner... Wah~~ also expensive lei~~ Immediately give my honey a IDD call. Missing you sooooooooo much!!!! But I will treasure this 2 weeks as I could heartly feel how much I do need you...... as well as miss you.... Luckly, McDonald provided the free 10-minute internet service.
For safety, I finally decide to use around HKD200 to have 4 hours napping service!!!
Only around HKD20 left!!!! I have brought some cakes and they will be my breakfast lei :P . I planned to travel on MTR and have a quick look of Singapore.
I have no headate now~~HAHA~~ so no worries!! After watching "your" 2nd letter, it did make me cry ga :P but also gave me a good mood on today. Here is cloudy but I am much enjoyable now. Honey, You could also give me energy and power lei. Really looking forward to seeing you in Aus!!!

2 則留言:

ShirLen 提到...

My Dearest Turtle,nice to hear from you so fast. Don't keep yourself hungry even you want to save money,enjoy the food that U cant taste in HK. Update us often ar!Take care,ShirLen

Grace 夢想成真記 提到...

haha, thank honey!! no la, need to save money before I find a stable job~ today i will 小肥羊住家打邊爐 with my friends~~haha, but no money to buy fat beef lei~~